CarbonNeutral® Steel - Beyond Value Chain Mitigation
About The Project
BM Group seeks to add value to the customer wherever possible and we have gone further than just reducing emissions directly related to our operations. We have completed full life cycle analysis (LCA) of selected steel products to fully calculate the cradle to grave emissions. Therefore, we are proud to be the first UK steel stockholder to offer these products certified CarbonNeutral® in accordance with the carbon neutral protocol. This enables BM Group to supply each customer purchasing Structural Sections* with an accredited certificate fully verified as proof for any end client that may require one.
We have worked with our partners to provide an option to offset emissions generated from extraction and processing of raw materials, product manufacturing and distribution, use, and end-of-life disposal. In addition, armed with our complete scope 1,2 & 3 carbon emissions data the BM Group has set clear targets to reduce emissions by 58.8% for scopes 1&2 and 63.8% for scope 3 by 2034.
*Excluding Parallel Flange Channel
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