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IRWIN? - Folding Trapezoid Knife

IRWIN - Folding Trapezoid Knife


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£18.40 inc VAT

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Product Specifications
Product Type
Trimming Knives
(H)67mm x (W)233mm x (L)24mm
Product Description

The Irwin IRW10507695 Folding Trapezoid Knife has a quick change mechanism that allows for easy blade removal and reversal without opening. It also has a built in wire stripper for convenience. The compact design is lightweight and durable with an extended thumb ledge that is made from stainless steel, to provide better handling.

The knife also features a safety lock, with a 45° angle quick change to prevent accidental release, and a built-in belt clip for convenient storage.

The IRW10507695 Irwin Folding Trapezoid Knife is supplied with 3 shatterproof Blue Blade Bi Metal Technology blades.

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